Our MASSIVE, fantastic, INDISPENSABLE, hilarious 350-page long, REAL version is now available on Amazon here:
- 3D Macro-map
- Aardvark 4.2D
- Aardvark 66
- Advanced Pause Strategy (APS)
- Andri-Grimminik
- Angel Island
- Annoyingometer™
- Anti-Invisibility Goggles
- Aqualine (Ms.)
- Aqualinia Waterpark
- Armadillo Cake
- Backpack Ladder Deployment
- Bear Dryer
- Belch-Hick (Mrs.)
- Bograt
- Book 01 – Monday: The Cave of Thieves
- Book 02 – Tuesday: The Curse of the Blue Spots
- Book 03 – Wednesday: The Forest of Secrets
- Book 04 – Thursday: War of the Waterslides
- Book 05 – Friday: Total Ice Cream Meltdown
- Book 06 – Saturday: Dash Candoo and the Missing Ducks
- Book 07 – Sunday:Onto the Forbidden Island
- Book 08 – Monday Again: The Total Penguin Situation
- Book 09 – Tuesday Again: The Case of the Missing Marble
- Book 10 – Wednesday Again: The Kiting Chaos
- Book 11 – Thursday Again: The Bread Baking Ballyhoo
- Boreholicopter
- Businesses & Companies
- Butterfly-cam-drone
- Carrot 27b
- Ceiling-Throw
- Chameleon Blanket
- Choc-Hotlitt
- Code Beige
- Collum Ollum
- Concrete-tape
- Condensed Expandable Pocket Mirror (CEPM)
- Converter-Glasses
- Cranio-cam
- Cut-throat 64
- Darling (Mr.)
- Darwin Cycles
- Dash Candoo
- Defrost-Ping
- Deggs
- Derek the Eel
- Desert-Quails
- Desert-Scallywags
- Devil Nose Island
- Devil-Cat
- Drones
- Dublifier
- ELT34
- Em-fleffle
- EMP-767 (Expandable-Micro-Projector-767)
- Feather-Scallywags
- FiCTaP Mode
- Flamingo Shuffle
- Fluff-tailed Hemple-fluffers
- Flus
- FM67
- Forest-Scallywags
- Freeze-bombs
- Full-Vacuum-Snozzle (FVS)
- G-hook
- G. & J. Tarrow Siblings Inc.
- Ghogghh (Mr.)
- Glamorgan (Ms.)
- Glissicle (Ms.)
- Goop-Goop™
- Gralarm
- Gramsters
- Greenacre (Ms.)
- Greta Gretchen-Hoffer
- Grimstead (Ms.)
- Grobsnots
- Grodzinski (Mr.)
- Gronville Honkersmith
- Grozint Sandwich
- Grunt-Leech
- Hammaphore System
- Hammaphore Tree
- Heemo-globule Globules
- HMS Snod-Bucket
- Hogmanny-Hog-Mahomm (Mrs.)
- Hogsbottom (Mr.)
- Hole-Digging Vehicles
- Homputer 44573X
- Homputers
- Huggy Bunnies
- Ibis (Mr.)
- Ice Cream Machine (ICM)
- Ice-Scallywags
- Invisibility Mode
- Invisibility Shield
- Invizizz Migration
- Invizizzes
- Jeanjean-Jeanjean-Jeanjean Johnson
- JJ56 (Stealth Combat Pillow)
- Jonjon-Jonjon-Jonjon Johnson
- Jump-Splodge Painting
- Karrotsch
- KB-15
- Krypto-web
- Lescure 89
- Li’l Jimmy Jimmy-Sinn
- Loma-99
- M’Punn-Dinn-Gurry (Ms.)
- Madagascar-Pie
- Marine Biology Week
- MB44 (freezer door cutter)
- McYawn (Mr.)
- Mgadigadi Technologies
- Micro Modulated Shrinkulator (MMS)
- Micro-Scallywags
- Mind-Reading Mode A
- Mind-Reading Scallywags
- Moremi Forest
- Morse Code
- Moustacherang
- Move #1,233 (Oxwagon)
- Move #10,266 (Weird-Face)
- Move #144 (Arm-Flap-Vortex-Shield)
- Move #16,444 (Pin Jump)
- Move #18,854 (Rolling Starfish)
- Move #26,941 (Sandstorm)
- Move #334 (Freezer-Door-Slam)
- Move #342 (Instant Ice-Block)
- Move #4,455 (Pyramid)
- Move #4,592 (Scarab)
- Move #458 (Feather-storm)
- Move #5,554 (Ballistic Warthog)
- Move #6,001 (Annoyed Shopkeeper)
- Move #6,694 (Tower)
- Move #6,745 (Rocket Launch)
- Move #664 (Tea-Sip)
- Move #7,312 (Beached-Fish-Flop)
- Move #7,734 (Ox-Horn-Pincer)
- Move #8,001 (Oscillating Nostril-Pump)
- Move #84 (Tarantula)
- Move #874 (Cocoon)
- Move #88 (Oscillating Dung-Beetle)
- Move #887 (Spinning Cartwheel)
- MRX-34-Laser
- NATO Phonetic Alphabet
- Neevil Eye
- Nomsa-Nomsa-Nomsa (Mr.)
- Noncycles
- Nonsencycle
- Nose
- Ossicles
- Osteop Milk
- Osteops
- Ozniak (Mrs.)
- P’tonk-45
- Pandamatenga Industries
- Paper-rock-scissors-carrot-spoon-tissue-elbow
- Pause Game
- Pause Game World Championships
- Pauselopedia
- Perforator 800
- Pickled-Cucumber building
- Pinkfish
- Pizzup
- Plumtree (Mr.)
- PMADD (Popcorn-Making-And-Distributing Drone)
- Potted-Plant Balancing Moves
- PRD (Pillow Release Device)
- Prodigiosus Cantus Formicae (Ant Choir)
- Proudfoot (Mr.)
- Quadcycle Training Academy
- Quadcycles
- QUIRIO (Quick-Release Instant Office)
- Rajak Industries
- Ratchet-raptor
- RE Ball
- Remington-Hobbes (Sir Stephenson)
- Reticulated Basingstoke
- Rob Newman
- Rosebank (Mr.)
- Rosebank (Mrs.)
- Rrr-Tökk-Tökk (Mr.)
- Rule 27b
- Savuti Technologies Inc.
- Saw-toothed Doublodiles
- Scallywag Academy
- Scallywags
- Secure Command Center (SCC)
- Shereena Aska-Lonka
- Slow-Motion-Ifyer
- Slug-Mole-Slug
- Smarshmallows
- Smellephant Grass
- Smellephants
- Smushrooms
- Snarling Jetpack Hogs
- Snausage
- Sniders
- Sniffsonian Museum
- Sniffy (Mr.)
- Snintercom
- Snodules
- Snodwidge-pie
- Snolly Juice
- Snorridge
- Snorringe-juice
- Snozzle
- SPIN Radio
- Staircase Moose
- Steadyneck (Mr.)
- Stink-Balls
- Stinson (Mr.)
- Stumpnose Elementary
- Stumpnose, Josiah (Professor-Inspector)
- SUFS-144 (Self-UnFolding Screen)
- Swamp Juice
- Swed
- Swedhump Elementary
- Tadros (Mrs.)
- Tele-transfer
- Tie-D-Yupper
- Transformer
- Transponder Tracking Device (TTD)
- Trenchifyer 98
- Triplo-triplocopters
- Triplocopter Flight Training Academy
- Triplocopters
- Triplosaults
- Two-headed Fluffington
- Twoaster
- Umbahorra
- Umfalala Pie
- University of Snodd (UoS) System
- VAMP Transponder
- Vertical Tug-of-war
- Vibrating Cockroach of Awfulness (VCA)
- VVS-printer
- Walrus Milk
- Warp-Vortex
- Williams (Dr.)
- Witch Nose Island
- Wobble-ball
- Wobblethorpe (Mrs.)
- Wombat Juice
- Woodhouse (Ms.)
- World Face-Pulling Championship
- World Potted-Plant Balancing Championships
- Wrestle-Scallywags
- Yo-Yo Stingers
- Zap-Flattener
- Zebra-Hounds
- Zhonst (Mrs.)
- Zip-Lining Emporium
- Zoo Lake Engineering