Full-Vacuum-Snozzle (FVS)

Large vacuum hose with turbo-charged suction ossicle attached.
Can be purchased as a standalone unit (like a lawnmower or household vacuum cleaner) or as a vehiculated extra feature (e.g. the Aardvark 66 hole-digger comes with one).

Suction capacity standard model: 366 viento-watts

Suction capacity premium model: 588 viento-watts

The fabric on the FVS is made of high-performance, antistatic, thermo-reguated polypropylene containing multifunctional synthetic polyamides, in parallel with a triple layer of reflective insulation floff-wemples. This makes it very durable, yet flexible, yet malleable, yet ductile, yet insulated, yet porous, yet fairly soft, yet fairly hard, yet fairly annoying. But apart from that, it’s fantastic. A similar fabric is used in the Warp-Vortex.

Vacuum-Snozzles are manufactured by Rajak Industries. Under the joint stewardship of Lady Hetty & Sir Berbert Rajak, their Birdhaven facility has established itself as the world’s leading Vaccum-snozzle suppliers. They are also known for developing and now supplying rodent parachutes, i.e. parachutes for rodents, globally. If ever you see a rodent parachuting, there’s a 95% chance its kit is manufactured by the Rajaks. In fact, we’re prepared to bet you $100 that this is the case.

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