Most annoying boy in the school.
Usually has his water bottle with him.
It is believed that he might actually be soft and sweet on the inside.
Gronville, Gronville, Gronville . . . what a complicated character.
If someone’s going to do something annoying, it’s sure to be Gronville. If someone’s going to bend the rules slightly too much towards the dark side, it’ll be Gronville. And he’s often a bit weird and a bit grumpy.
Gronville is quite competitive, and sportsmanship/gentlemanly behaviour are not his strong points. If he needs to illegally bump someone off a wobble-ball to win a race, he’ll do it.
But when push comes to shove, he seems to come through on the right side. Somewhere, deep down inside the relentless Honkersmithness, is a decent Gronville.