
Four-wheeled cycles that can fold up into a backpack and can be deployed by mind-activation. The wheel configuration constantly adapts to the terrain, and is controlled by a very sophisticated sensor (or “brain”) embedded in the saddle. A quadcycle looks easy to ride but it is actually quite difficult. A three-week introductory course at the QTA (Quadcycle Training Academy) is highly recommended.

Quadcycle Maintenance

Pretty much the same as a regular bicycle maintenance, apart from the sneggle-sprocket. Keep the drive-chain clean and well lubricated, make sure brake-fluid pressure is good, check all nuts and bolts before and after big missions, make sure the tires are in good condition, and finally, and most importantly, make sure the sneggle-sprocket is smooth and has enough lemon juice on it at all times. Make sure the lemon juice compression canister is fully primed to at least level 8, especially before big missions.

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