Rosebank (Mr.)

Teaches: Invention Inventing
Major Accomplishment: Too many to list
Loves: Ice cream

Husband of Mrs. Rosebank.

World-famous inventor and ice cream maker.
Builder of the legendary Ice Cream machine (ICM).
Has a dedicated inventor’s shed on school premises, which is STRICTLY OUT OF BOUNDS.
If a kid is caught near the shed, he or she will be expelled immediately.
It is believed that under the shed are multiple floors, mezzanines and concourses of invention factories. And since Mr. Rosebank is so prolific, some speculate that he might have dozens, perhaps even hundreds of people or robots working for him?
Perhaps that’s why he his inventor’s shed is OUT OF BOUNDS?

Things Mr. Rosebank has invented or been involved with inventing:

Anti-invisibility Goggles
Concrete Tape
Conveyor belts at The Sniffsonian
Invisibility Shields
Nose on the Noncycle
Hamsterometer 88
Leak Snodometer
Rainbow-Maker 154

As is fairly obvious, Mr. Rosebank is very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very clever. He is, obviously a genius.

He can invent pretty-much anything.

What we do know is that he has not yet invented the MTC-88-X. We can’t tell you what it is, because nobody knows. Not even Mr. Rosebank himself!

He’s so clever that he recently invented an invention for inventing things. It is one of the best inventions around. Quite a few people want one and he can’t build them fast enough. Perhaps to solve the problem he should invent a device that simultaneously invents multiple inventions for inventing things. That would solve the problem, wouldn’t it?

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