
Mike R.

7 year old loves these books
Reviewed in the United States on January 21, 2025
Saturday (book 6): My son started reading these in first grade and they got him interested in chapter books.


Emailed from the United States on January 20, 2025
I’m the librarian at an elementary school in Connecticut. My students absolutely adore your Total Mayhem and Devil-Cat series and I can barely keep them on the shelves šŸ™‚

Leslie Garner Razz
Reviewed in the United States on January 20, 2025

Wonderful Series
Wednesday again (book 10): We have read all books in this series and LOVE them! The whole family is intrigued in the stories and we have reread the books multiple times! They are funny and full of adventure and suspense!

Debra S.

Reviewed in the United States on November 19, 2024
Friday again (book 12A): Ralph Lazarā€™s Total Mayhem series is entertaining to both children and adults. Children canā€™t put these books down. They are so engaging, kids read them over and over again! Each book is hilarious with extremely creative text, quirky characters, and action packed adventures. We absolutely love them!


Best children’s book series ever!
Reviewed in the United States on November 10, 2024
Wednesday again (book 10): My 7 year old daughter LOVES this series. We can’t get enough Dash Candoo! More mayhem please!!!


Always a lot of fun
Reviewed in the United States on November 7, 2024
Thursday again (book 11): My son loves these books, as soon as they arrive in the mail he scurries off to his room and devours them. definitely recommend!

William L. Raab

Great Series!
Reviewed in the United States on November 7, 2024
Saturday (book 6): My 7 year old loves these books and is excited to read. We will continue to purchase the rest of the books in the series!


Love the series.
Reviewed in the United States on October 11, 2024
Thursday (book 4): Its funny, funny, funny. Grandsons love it, too. Highly recommend.


Grandsons love this series — drop dead funny
Reviewed in the United States on October 11, 2024
Wednesday (book 3): Lots of laughing out loud from 5 year old and 10 year old.


Grandsons hooked on this series.
Reviewed in the United States on October 11, 2024
Monday (book 1): When they’re reading, I hear regular bursts of laughter, and they aren’t fighting, whining, or asking to watch TV. Recommend.

Debra S.

Buy the whole series
Reviewed in the United States on September 11, 2024
Saturday (book 6): Yes, buy the whole seriesā€¦.they are that good. These book will be read over and over again! They are extremely entertaining, humorous, and fun for both kids and adults. We absolutely love every book, and continue to look forward to the next one in the series.


Dash Candoo always delivers
Reviewed in the United States on September 9, 2024
Thursday Again (book 11): Brilliant story as always. Keep kids guessing and wanting more. Bread Baking will never be the same again!


Love this series!
Reviewed in the United States on September 7, 2024
Thursday Again (book 11): The book was so good. Mr. Lazar, please write more!!

Q. E.

Kids hooked – consistently high quality storytelling
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 2 September 2024
Thursday Again (book 11): We’re loving this series and this latest volume is consistent with the rest: Hilarious, creative, inventive, and a solid mystery story. Our kids are hooked! Keep them coming!

Kimberly P

Our Whole Family Loves This Series!
Reviewed in the United States on August 27, 2024
Wednesday Again (book 10): We read this series as a family and we all love it! This latest instalment is overflowing with clever details and jokes – we were blown away – and the story is so much fun. Ralph Lazar’s creativity knows no bounds! We can’t wait to read the next book!!

R. Zeichman

Son loves it!
Reviewed in the United States on August 23, 2024
Saturday (book 6): My son says, ā€œThis book is a-maaaaaaaaaaaa-zing!ā€ (And told me to keep adding more As) He started the series when he was 7 and is now 8. Lots of fun to read, funny characters and, most important of all, it keeps him interested in reading.

Josh Slade

This book is amazing!
Reviewed in the United States on August 22, 2024
Monday (book 1): I love the ideas you had for this book they are really cool and adventurous! And I like that there is a guide at the end.

Joanna Knight

Awesome Series
Reviewed in the United States on August 18, 2024
Sunday (book 7): My son loves this series, subscribed to their email so I know when to get the new books!


Grandsons love this series!
Reviewed in the United States on August 8, 2024
Wednesday Again (book 10): Always on the lookout for a new set of graphic novels for two grandsons who have read nearly everything and this was a great laugh-out-loud discovery! More! More!


A great series for the grandsons
Reviewed in the United States on August 8, 2024
Tuesday (book 2): Funny jokes, easy to read, keeps them captivated — and they’ve read nearly everything in every series of graphic novels for middle grade (and a 2nd grader) boys.

glisten glitter

Amazing books
Reviewed in the United States on August 1, 2024
Total-Mayhem 2: We love these!


A great new find in a series for grandsons!
Reviewed in the United States on August 1, 2024
Sunday (book 6): Laugh out loud, fun, great reads. More!


Great series
Reviewed in the United States on July 19, 2024
Devil-Cat Volume 5: My son loves these books, it’s one of his favorite series! The entire total mayhem series is a great choice for early readers who enjoy books like Dogman.


Great book series
Reviewed in the United States on July 14, 2024
Sunday (book 7): My 9 year old loves it!

NDL Tarrow

Devil-Cat Up to His Antics – Great Book (again!)
Reviewed in the United States on July 4, 2024
Devil-Cat continues to do the most ridiculous things — which my kids find hilarious — and spoiler alert — still seems to come out on top. The Hair-gro potion is particularly silly. Highly recommend if you want a good laugh with your kids.


Super fun
Reviewed in the United States on June 29, 2024
Total mayhem 10: Fun, light, fresh!

Hallie Parmenter

Another fun read!
Reviewed in the United States on June 28, 2024
My 10 year old was thrilled when I surprised him with this new book! He adores the Total Mayhem series and we enjoy reading the books together. We get a kick out of the puns and clever names, the totally random classes Dash and his friends have to take, and looking up the new terms in the almanac. Loved the new teacher pun Dr. Q. Khumber šŸ˜‚
Also, he keeps quoting his new favorite word, ā€œfloxy-noxy…ā€ etc
Check out this book and the whole series!

Julia Edelhuber

My nine year old only reads this book series
Reviewed in the United States on June 26, 2024
Verified Purchase
My nine year old loves it and says itā€™s awesome šŸ˜Š


Reviewed in the United States on June 9, 2024
I’m so happy I got the new one


Lots of new shenanigans, fun book!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on June 5, 2024
Total Mayhem 10: I love this book because it is like a day at school but cooler because Dash and his friends go out of their lessons to investigate happenings. I also like how there is always a new bad guy.
Max Age 8


Naughty and Funny!
Reviewed in the United States on June 4, 2024
Total Mayhem 10: Kids enjoy funny situations, extraordinary characters, naughty situations, imagination and above all great stories that will keep them wanting to find out what happens. Above all, they can identify with everything!


Fun series!
Reviewed in the United States on June 2, 2024
Devil-Cat 4 (Island Dreams): My son sat down and read this straight through in one go, the whole total mayhem series is a huge hit in our house!


Love this series
Reviewed in Australia on May 27, 2024
Total Mayhem 10: The kids really love this series, itā€™s reignited there love of reading. We also really love Devil cat. Another great addition the the library, my kids love this series and Devil cat. Its ignited thereby love of reading.


My son loves these books
Reviewed in the United States on May 23, 2024
Total Mayhem 10 (Wednesday Again) Kiting Chaos: As soon as it arrived in the mail my son started digging through the almanac in the back of the book. He loves this series and is always asking for more or rereading old ones.


The only books my kid will read
Reviewed in the United States on May 21, 2024
Total Mayhem 6 (Saturday): I thought my child was struggling with reading until I handed him this book. He read thru it so fast. I asked why he didn’t read his school work that well and he said because he doesn’t like it. Ha! Jokes on me. I didn’t know he could read that well.

Kimberly P

Fun for the whole family!
Reviewed in the United States on May 21, 2024
Book 9 (Tuesday Again): A thoroughly engaging, fast-paced page turner with so many clever details. Ralph Lazar has a true talent for humor that reaches kids and grown-ups alike. We love reading his books as a family and can’t wait to read Dash Candoo’s next adventure!


These are such fun books
Reviewed in the United States on May 10, 2024
Genius humor, great for read aloud with kids!


My most favorite books – are there any more?
Reviewed in the United States on April 27, 2024
Book 9 (Tuesday Again): This in is my favorite!


Such a fun series for new chapter book readers!
Reviewed in the United States on April 23, 2024
Devil-Cat Vol 3: My son absolutely adores this writer and this series- along with all the Dash Candoo books. He has read them and re-read them over and over and still finds something new to giggle about in each one. They are finny and silly and witty and great chapter books for kids from first to 3rd grade I’d say. He’s now getting into a higher reading level and he blows through them really quickly, but still loves them so much! An awesome series


Another great series by Lazar
Reviewed in the United States on April 23, 2024
Devil-Cat Vol 1: My son is a beginning reader and we have been reading the Total Mayhem series together. We both love Devil-Cat so he was super excited to dive into this spin-off series. Itā€™s an easier read than Total Mayhem so he read it completely independently, which is great. He sat down and read the entire book in one afternoon- it was a hit!


Great series for 8 year olds!
Reviewed in the United States on March 27, 2024
I have been reading all of the books in this series to my son, and we laugh out loud at the outrageous drawings and plots. We started reading these after the Rory Branagan series, which has moved to the top of his favorite books of all time. The books are witty and fun, and we can’t get enough of them. I promised I would write a review in the hopes that Ralph Lazar will write more!! We LOVE them!

Ivan Larriviere

A must purchase!
Reviewed in the United States on March 18, 2024
This book is a great starter book for kids looking to getting into reading! A must purchase!


Mayhem Madness
Reviewed in the United States on March 11, 2024
We love the stories of Dash and his friends. Sunday is another great addition to his adventures.


Total Mayhem Mania
Reviewed in the United States on March 11, 2024
My son loves the stories about Dash Candoo and friends. We have read the books more than once. They are entertaining and ridiculously funny. My son and I laugh out loud at the funny names and storylines. We are so excited to continue to read each book.


Great series
Reviewed in the United States on March 8, 2024
My child and I are halfway through this series and weā€™re both loving it. The books are so creative, quirky, and funny. The illustrations are great and they keep my young reader engaged. I would highly recommend this book.

Stephanie King

Very Funny
Reviewed in the United States on February 24, 2024
Devil-Cat Vol 1: Itā€™s silly and my 8 year old son likes it!

Kaleigh Garceau

An Awesome Sequel to book 1 ” Monday Into The Cave Of Thieves “!
Reviewed in the United States on January 7, 2024
These books are so funny! I love these books about Dash Candoo and Friends’ adventures!
Signed 11 year old Dominic G.

Shaya F

Great series
Reviewed in the United States on January 4, 2024
Devil-Cat Volume 1: My son loves reading the series so far we have purchased ten books. We look forward to purchasing more books in the series.


Great series
Reviewed in the United States on January 6, 2024
Verified Purchase
My 10 year old son loves this series! We love the creative names of the various characters and their specialties and tools.

Scott L. Norvell

Reviewed in the United States on January 4, 2024
Total Mayhem book 9: Lazar does it again! He really knows what kids find hilarious. He also knows what kids and their parents will find funny together!
Bravo šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘

Scott L. Norvell

Hilarious! šŸ¤£
Reviewed in the United States on January 4, 2024
DeviCat Volume 2: Highly recommend picking up ANY book from this series!

Lisa Bobich

Finally a book my son wants to read!
Reviewed in the United States on December 12, 2023
My son is in second grade. He has been struggling to read because we werenā€™t finding anything he really connected with. One of his sisters loved Dogman, but he hasnā€™t been interested. These books are perfect because 1) every page has a picture, but itā€™s not a comic book, 2) almost every page has action, 3) there is a hint of mischief, and 4) there are lots of special gadgets/weapons/attacks. Also, there are only a few sentences on each page so itā€™s less intimidating, but still a chapter book. The sentences are not necessarily easy; there are a scattering of very long words and nonsense words. Thankfully, the content is amusing, without using potty humor.

Morgan Blue

Can’t wait to read the rest of the series!
Reviewed in the United States on December 15, 2023
My kiddo enjoys Devil Cat and the Total Mayhem series. So creative and silly!

God daughter loves
Reviewed in the United States on December 9, 2023
My God daughter loves the entire series. This book was no different. This book keeps them reading. I would recommend.


Good reads
Reviewed in the United States on November 26, 2023
I love it for my kids, they enjoy the book so much. It become their best reads and cant stop. Funny and captivating for the kids. Highly recommend this series.


Great series
Reviewed in the United States on November 22, 2023
Book 9 (Tuesday Again): Iā€™m so happy to see new books in this series continue to come out! Theyā€™re currently my six year oldā€™s favorite and I enjoy them too. Very silly, very clever and overall a good time šŸ™‚


A little shorter that the Total Mayhem days books but still enjoyable
Reviewed in the United States on November 18, 2023
Devil-Cat series: My 8 year old son loves these series. We began with the original Total Mayhems and are awaiting making our way through the “again” days. This particular spin off of Devil Cat has a little less text but we appreciate the focus on the main character. My son still very much appreciates the humor but if you have a quick and passionate reader, this will be a quicker read than the others.


8 yr, old + farty cola topic = winner
Reviewed in the United States on November 18, 2023
Devil-Cat Vol 2: My 8 year old son can’t say enough fun things about farty cola. Big Total Mayhem fans and liked a bit better than the first Devil-Cat book.


Our favorite series
Reviewed in the United States on November 18, 2023
Book 4 (Thursday – Waterslides): This is my son’s favorite book of the series. He’s read this series solo and with me and his sister at bedtime. It reminds me of a combination of Wayside Stories meets kids James Bond with their missions, specialized gadgets and villians. It’s ridiculously imaginative and engaging. We love them.


Great series
Reviewed in the United States on November 12, 2023
I picked this up on a whim, and it was a huge hit with my six year old son. Weā€™ve been devouring the whole series. Itā€™s pretty wacky and great for kid humor, but with less ā€œgrossā€ humor than series like Dogman, if thatā€™s something you arenā€™t a big fan of.


My son loves this series
Total-Mayhem book 6 (Saturday): Reviewed in the United States on November 10, 2023
My six year old loves these books, and I think theyā€™re a lot of fun too šŸ™‚ itā€™s one of the few books so far that heā€™ll happily read on his own. Highly recommend this whole series!


My daughter gives it five stars!
Reviewed in the United States on November 10, 2023
My daughter was begging for the second book after reading the first book multiple times. As soon as we got the second book, she tucked into the book and probably read it three times in one day. There are times when she is uncontrollably laughing and giggling as she reads these books. They really appeal to her imagination and I’m happy to see her enjoyment of these books. One of my favorite parts about the books are the names the author comes up with.


Love it!
Reviewed in the United States on November 10, 2023
Total-Mayhem book 7 (Sunday): My 6 year old (reading level L) just finished this one up last night and immediately asked for me to get the next one. We both love this series and highly recommend them!

K. Karwan

My 6 year old son loves this series!
Reviewed in the United States on November 9, 2023
My son received the first 2 books in the Total Mayhem series as a gift when he was 5 years old. We now own the entire series because he loves them so much! They are full of crazy characters and adventures, loads of imagination and funny terms. My husband and I love them too. Great fun to share as a family!

They begged me to message you!
November 9, 2023
Iā€™m a librarian at *** Elementary in Raleigh, NC. I have a group of 4th graders who have been loving reading your Total Mayhem series! We went on your website today to see if there were any more books written by you that we should order and noticed that you will do Q&A sessions with classes. They begged me to message you!

Veronica Blue

Get the whole series!
Reviewed in the United States on November 8, 2023
It’s worth getting the whole series. Your kids will tear through them, laughing the whole way.


Love Ralph Lazar’s books!
Reviewed in the United States on November 8, 2023
My 7 year old son loves all of Ralph Lazar’s books including this one:)


My kiddo’s favorite book
Reviewed in the United States on November 5, 2023
My kiddo loves this book. It’s was what got him to like reading. It is his favorite book — it’s his idea to write this review. It has creative characters, like Devil-Cat and scallywags, there are no bad words, and it is exciting and funny. Every time we get a package that is book size, my kiddo checks to see if it’s the next book in the series. It is good for first graders through fourth graders. The Devil-Cat spin off books are maybe better for kindergarten and first, but anyone who loves Total Mayhem will also love Devil-Cat books. It is not a graphic novel book, but it does have pictures on almost every page. It is fast-paced, but is a chapter book and has more than 100 pages. For parents who do not love the Dogman-style raunchy humor, this series has the same type of fast-paced, exciting storyline that appeals to the same type of kiddos, without resorting to any potty humor or characters that emulate the worst parts of human behavior.

Kimberly P.

So much fun!
Reviewed in the United States on November 5, 2023
Devil-Cat Vol 3: So clever and laugh out loud funny! Loved it! This series gets better and better!


Start of a great series
Reviewed in the United States on November 2, 2023
I bought this book used for my then 6-year-old daughter. She was primarily reading Dogman, Cat Kid Comic Club, and Catstronauts. I was looking for some other books that might interest her. Initially, she didn’t give this book a chance, but one day she picked it up and couldn’t stop laughing. My daughter doesn’t like much conflict or suspense in her books, but she loved the silliness of all the characters even though it involved a lot of action. We now have all of the books and she reads and rereads them regularly. I skimmed the books and they are full of fun and silliness. The main character enjoys going to school and has classes that most kids would enjoy, like shouting class, etc. Give the books a try especially if your kids love Dav Pilkey and the Investigators series.


Really fun book for my 7-year-old
Reviewed in the United States on November 2, 2023
Devil-Cat Volume 3: My daughter loves all the books in Total Mayhem series. She reread this book this morning. The devil cat series is more of a comic book. She says there is nothing she doesn’t like about this book.

K. Prats

Loved it!
Reviewed in the United States on October 30, 2023
Devil-Cat Volume 2: Loved this one even more than the first! Can’t wait for more Devil Cat adventures!

Debra S.

Great book
Reviewed in the United States on October 30, 2023
Devil-Cat Vol 1: Oh my goodness, my six year grandchild loves these books. He has read it over and over and over…you get the idea. If you thinking of purchasing it, get ready to buy the whole series. Itā€™s worth it!

Joel M.

Super funny series
Reviewed in the United States on October 29, 2023
My eight year old son gives this book 5 stars because it was funny and he loves all of the chaos going on with the penguins. He is a HUGE fan of this series and doesnā€™t understand why you canā€™t write the books more quickly. Please keep them coming!!


Great series
Reviewed in the United States on October 28, 2023
Verified Purchase
Our family loves these books! You have got to purchase the whole series…your kids will read them over and over.

Kimberly P.

A New Favorite
Reviewed in the United States on October 28, 2023
Monday Again: A new favorite in a series that just gets better and better! Loved it!


Please keep these coming!
Reviewed in the United States on October 27, 2023
Monday Again: My child loves these books!

Brittani K.

Kids canā€™t get enough
Reviewed in the United States on October 26, 2023
Sunday: They love reading this series. Have read over and over and are patiently waiting for the next.

Jimmy D.

Quirky fun
Reviewed in the United States on October 25, 2023
Sunday: Our 9 y/o loves this series. It’s idiosyncratic but so is our kid. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


My two boys read over and over
Reviewed in the United States on October 25, 2023
Saturday: They constantly reach for this series these for fun

Tommy T.

My child loves these books!
Reviewed in the United States on October 23, 2023
Saturday: Reads them cover to cover immediately, laughing the whole way through.


Reviewed in the United States on October 22, 2023
Saturday: My son liked that the ducks didn’t care about their disappearance and they just ate the trail of bread. He thought it was funny that devil cat was fat. He thought the book was funny! This was his favorite one out of the series.


So happy the story continues!
Reviewed in the United States on October 20, 2023
Saturday: Loved this continuing story. So clever and engaging – can’t wait for more!


I have a group of elementary students obsessed!
Emailed October 18, 2023
I just had to reach out because I have a group of students on my elementary campus that are obsessed with your Total Mayhem Series! I was able to purchase Monday-Thursday and I cannot keep them on the shelf! I inquired with Scholastic & Follett (my approved vendors) and I have NOT been able to get my hands on the next books in the series and I hear about it from my students on the DAILY! I hate to disappoint my readers so I told them I would reach out to the author! So, first let me say – I would love to inquire about a Q&A with you so you could share your wisdom with my students! But, also to see how I could go about getting more of your books in my library!!! I saw you also have another series that looks equally as awesome that they would probably devour! Can’t wait to hear from you soon!

Emilee G.

Amazing book
Reviewed in the United States on October 17, 2023
I bought the total mayhem book on sale at the school book fair and my 8 year old son loved it! We bought all the other books in that series and each one was a great read. This book is a wonderful add on to those books but can also be read as a stand alone .
I am patiently awaiting more books in the devilcat-dash cando universe to be released.


My son and I love this series
Reviewed in the United States on October 15, 2023
Heā€™s smart, courageous and hilarious. What more could you want from a hero? I read this book series with my 6-year-old son and we have so much fun going through each chapter togetherā€”sometimes he begs me to read another! A definite page turner and fun for parents and kids alike.


Quick Funny Read for 3d/4th Grader
Reviewed in the United States on October 12, 2023
My son is starting 4th grade and reads these books allowed to us at night. Fast paced and funny with just enough funky made up words to be a challenge but not overwhelming.


My kid got this for his birthday
Reviewed in the United States on October 10, 2023
Itā€™s been a week and heā€™s read this book 14 times

Derek A.

Funny book
Reviewed in the United States on October 11, 2023
Devil-Cat Volume 1: My 7&5 yos enjoy this series.


My kid loves these
Reviewed in the United States on October 10, 2023
Devil-Cat Volume 2: Heā€™s blasted through everything by this author.

Kathy O’boyle

Grandson LOVES these books
Reviewed in the United States on September 9, 2023
Devil cat books! My grandson & I wait for each new book to become available. They are silly and fun and my 9 year grandson has read it 3 times in first week..He took it to community pool & read it with friends.. Tonight he read it to me..Silly? yes. But any book which furthers his love of reading I’m getting for him.


Fun series
Reviewed in the United States on August 15, 2023
Devil Cat Series: My daughter (6) loves the Total Mayhem and Devil Cat books. She especially loves how the Devil cat books are broken into stories. We read them quite frequently!

J. Chastain

Cute and Silly!
Reviewed in the United States on August 15, 2023
Devil Cat Series: If you were looking for another Dash Candoo book you may be slightly disappointed. These books are a little shorter stories and maybe for a few years younger audience however my 9 year old still loves them! They are very fast paced and funny!

Maureen S

Entertaining series
Reviewed in the United States on August 15, 2023
My six year old loves this series. She read this book during a long car drive and was engrossed the entire time!

Jennifer C.

Awesome Books!
Reviewed in the United States on August 15, 2023
I recommend reading from Monday and just keep reading every day after! These books are really funny and they are great to read with your kiddo or for them to read alone. I wish you could put an age range because my son and I have been reading them for several years and he still enjoys them so I am putting 7 but my son is now 9 and will probably enjoy them for a few years to come!


Clever and funny
Reviewed in the United States on August 12, 2023
Devil Cat Vol 1: My kids loved the Total Mayhem series, so as soon as this book arrived in the mail, my daughter immediately sat down and read the whole thing in one sitting. Now my son is doing the same thing. The humor is really clever and definitely a step up from most “funny” kids’ books. As a parent, I actually enjoy the books as well!


Fun & funny read
Reviewed in the United States on August 12, 2023
Total mayhem book 6: This whole series is really clever and fun. It’s easy for my 7 year old to read on her own, my 9 year old loves to read it, and I even find it entertaining if I’m reading aloud to them.


Son loves this series
Reviewed in the United States on August 9, 2023
My son absolutely loves this series and this book in the series was no exception. He laughed the entire time and couldn’t wait to see what happened with Dash, Rob, and Henry the wart hog

Angelique M.

Love, love, love!!
Reviewed in the United States on August 1, 2023
My kids LOVE the Devil Cat books as well as the authorā€™s other books, Total Mayhem (Dash Candoo). They laugh out loud and itā€™s a fun book for parents and kids to read together.

S. DurƔn

Devil cat adventures
Reviewed in the United States on August 1, 2023
Great book for total mayhem fans, my kid loves this collection

K O’Boyle

Grandson & I laughed! A lot
Reviewed in the United States on July 31, 2023
I love that my 8 year grandson enjoys reading these books. It’s a lot of silly humor. Hearing him laugh at the jokes, never fails to get me laughing. Highly recommend.


A very funny book to read
Reviewed in the United States on July 27, 2023
Iā€™m seven years old and this book really helped me become a great reader. I wanted to read it all the time even when I didnā€™t have it with me. I took it to school and my teacher let me read it at reading time. I liked it because it was so hilariously funny. I also love how Ralph Lazar illustrated the book. You should get this book for your kids because it will really stretch their minds and improve their reading.


Kids love these books!
Reviewed in the United States on July 27, 2023
My son loved this book!

L. S.

I buy them all!
Reviewed in the United States on July 25, 2023
My son loves these books and I really enjoy reading them with him. Fun series for kids!

Sarah C

Wacky and great
Reviewed in the United States on July 19, 2023
This series hits just the right note for my seven year old. I have no idea whatā€™s going on, but Iā€™m a boring old adult


7 year old ADORES Total Mayhem!
Reviewed in the United States on July 12, 2023
My son has become an avid reader and loves all of the Total Mayhem books he has read. Fun, light, creative, and not prone to the potty humor and meanness that has gotten the Captain Underpants books a one-way trip out of our house. Highly recommend to your budding reader!


Finally, Next week has arrived!
Reviewed in the United States on July 12, 2023
My 7 year old loves every Total Mayhem book. Mr Lazar is back at it with a new week and a whole lot of Mayhem. Keep them coming! My kid can’t put them down.

Tiffany J.

We love devil cat!
Reviewed in the United States on July 8, 2023
My 8 year old son loved the Devil Cat series! Highly recommend!


Great Book Series
Reviewed in the United States on July 2, 2023
We read this book in just a few hours. We couldnā€™t put it down. My 4 and 6 year old kids love this series. Very fun and silly and always an adventure and mystery to solve.


So Fun
Reviewed in the United States on July 01, 2023
I love reading the Total Mayhem series with my son. I do the voices and he absolutely loves the stories and the art style. It’s hard to keep him calm for bed time when we’re laughing and enjoying the fun in thw Total Mayhem series. Mom gets mad at us (at dad for getting him too riled up at bedtime lol)
Great series.


Saturday Mayhem
Reviewed in the United States on July 01, 2023
My son loved this book – he’s been a Total Mayhem fan since the first Monday but Saturday and Sunday were his favorites.


Thank you Ralph Lazar!
Reviewed in the United States on June 29, 2023
This one was so enjoyed by the 8yo, we actually read it faster than the others, I believe. And I ordered Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, Again from the series as well as the 2 Devil Cat books. I will never complain about books that he asks to read at night and during the day.


Engaging series
Reviewed in the United States on June 18, 2023
My students love this series. It keeps them engaged and excited to read the next book.

L. Shapiro

Great Books for Kids!!
Reviewed in the United States on June 5, 2023
These books are fantastic, my 8 year old loves this series and I really enjoy reading it with him. When my husband puts him to bed, I always go back the next night to see what I missed. I will buy as many of these as they make! šŸ™‚


Love these books
Reviewed in the United States on May 31, 2023
Devil-Cat 1: My son loves these books! Funny and age appropriate.


Magnetic silliness!
Reviewed in the United States on May 27, 2023
These books! Devil Cat and the Total Mayhem series are complete winners! They are hilarious, completely silly, and my kiddo is drawn to them. They are one of the only book series that they are constantly excited about. We canā€™t wait for the next one!


So this review is from an 8yo, 2nd grade boy
Reviewed in the United States on May 26, 2023
I really like this series of books and like the adventures of Dash and his best friend. He never gets to eat his breakfast like he plans to and then he goes to school and gets to save the day. It is fun and has lots of action!


Great series
Reviewed in the United States on May 25, 2023
My 8 year old son loves these books.


Good series!
Reviewed in the United States on May 19, 2023
Devil-Cat Volume 1: My son loves the Total Mayhem series and was excited to see this extension. They are a great read for young readers. My son gets through them quickly but loves to re-read them and finds them hilarious.


Reviewed in the United States on May 18, 2023
Devil-Cat Volume 1: My grandchildren loved this book. They thought it was a fun read and they are looking forward to the next one.


These books are super fun
Reviewed in the United States on May 17, 2023
Hours of fun reading with our six year old son. This was our first Mayhem book but now we have them all and the Devil-Cat series too.


Dash Candoo and Friends Win Again
Reviewed in the United States on May 14, 2023
Another hit with my 7-year-old. He loves Dash Candoo’s adventures saving himself from traps and saving others. Looking forward to more adventures and characters.


It’s a Good Book. It Makes You Laugh
Reviewed in the United States on May 2, 2023
“I liked how they showed how Devil- Cat got afraid of watermelons.” – Shaheen 2nd Grade, 7 years old


Best book series for kids
Reviewed in the United States on May 2, 2023
My first grader came home from a book fair with the Monday book and heā€™s been obsessed with these since. Sometimes we read them together and theyā€™re a great read. I love that the books come with an almanac for kids to look up the crazy things up in the book.

If youā€™re looking to get you kids into chapter books this is an excellent place to start!

Kaleigh G.

The best book in the world from a 10 year old fan
Reviewed in the United States on April 24, 2023
I love this book series it’s the best series I’ve read. It’s so funny. I love the almanac because you can look up what you don’t know.


Don’t mess with Fluff-tailed Hemple-fluffers!
Reviewed in the United States on April 10, 2023
We are Total Mayhem addicts. Zoo Lake is our 7-year-old’s favorite new setting. He loved the ducks and the introduction to Henry the Hog. Looking forward to starting Sunday’s adventure soon.


Love this series!
Reviewed in the United States on March 29, 2023
My son absolutely loves these books. I wish there were more!


My 8 Year Old Son LOVES this book!
Reviewed in the United States on February 18, 2023
We are loyal Total Mayhem Readers- we have every book in the series! These books are funny and witty and perfect for kids who are just getting into chapter books. I love that these books still have pictures. My son started reading them when he was 7, not quite ready for a full chapter book with no pictures yet. He’s now 8 and breezes through these books while snuggled under his blankets with a flashlight. Anytime I hear him giggling in his room at bedtime, I know he’s reading a Total Mayhem or Rory Branagan book! He often rushes out of his room to show us pictures, or read us a funny part of the book. Anyway- can’t recommend these enough! All of the books in the series are wonderful.


LOL for kids and adults
Reviewed in the United States on February 14, 2023
Direct quote from my child, age 6: “I love this book so so so so SO so much! I would give it 10 stars, or even more. It’s so interesting and funny. You all should buy it for your kids.ā€

Whitney R.

LOL for kids and adults
Reviewed in the United States on January 27, 2023
My son (8) loves this series – it’s funny, imaginative, and he loves the almanacs. He says it’s amazing and he can’t wait to read the next book. He loves the books so much that he dressed as Dash Candoo for literary character day at school.


So Funny!
Reviewed in the United States on January 9, 2023
These books make my 6 year old laugh out loud. Cannot recommend highly enough!

Silvia D

Great series!!
Reviewed in the United States on January 2, 2023
My son (6) loves this book series, he already went through all the days of the week books. We canā€™t wait for the next adventure

Kelly L.

Favorite book series yet!
Reviewed in the United States on December 27, 2022
My 7 year old son LOVES this series and I have to say, it is my favorite to read with him. They are so funny and we laugh so hard together reading it. Itā€™s clever and witty and the writing is great for his age. I also love the format of the book – it is not top to bottom text but instead it is broken up with drawings and different font sizes etc and that really helps my son to stay focused and engaged while reading. Canā€™t recommend these enough.

Jess A.

The best kind of mayhem!
Reviewed in the United States on December 14, 2022
Highly recommend! These Dash Candoo books are hilarious trips through Lazar’s wild and uninhibited imagination! My kids (and the household grown ups too!) are still chuckling at all the kooky characters and are ready for the next unpredictable and highly entertaining adventure with Dash and crew. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to eat my Boil Degg. šŸ™‚

Melissa L.

Total Laugh Situation
Reviewed in the United States on December 6, 2022
Dash Candoo is hilarious fun. It is charged with silly action and bursting with ridiculous characters. The author has created a world full of amazing devices and crazy made up words that will delight young readers. Iā€™m most excited to share Dash with my reluctant readers who, I think, will be so excited to go on adventures and laugh with Dash, they wonā€™t event notice they read a whole book.

N. T.

Another Dash Candoo nonstop adventure!!
Reviewed in the United States on December 2, 2022
We were all so excited to get the next Dash Candoo and it was as funny and clever and chaotic as ever. Henry the Hog, is my favorite character by far, but very close behind are the missing Fluff-tailed Hemple-Fluffers! ā€” Gabriel Tarrow

Triste B.

My 7 year old couldnā€™t put it down!
Reviewed in the United States on November 27, 2022
My son is a good reader but reading at night is sometimes a struggle. He read the first book in this series and was hooked. He read this second one in a day. He took in the car and store. He loves the humor and is so proud that he is reading a ā€˜chapter bookā€™.


Great book
Reviewed in the United States on November 25, 2022
My 8 year old loves these books!

Brittani K.

Made my son love reading
Reviewed in the United States on November 18, 2022
My son is now a reader thanks to this series. He is addicted to this set of books. We were at Disney World and he brought the last book to read in lines and I had to ask him to put it down while walking. He just finished 1-5 and I just put in an order for #6!


Thumbs Up
Reviewed in the United States on October 20, 2022
My daughter loved this book and wants the next in the series.


my 7-year-old loves this series
Reviewed in the United States on October 10, 2022
My seven year old stays up late to read each new entry in this series. He’s a big fan. It’s a very approachable series if you are just starting out reading chapter books.

Shanna H.

Amazing series!
Reviewed in the United States on October 9, 2022
Love these series. Has inspired a love for reading in our almost 7 y/o.

Kimberly J.

So Happy!
Reviewed in the United States on September 18, 2022
My daughter loves these books and reads them so fast and begs for the next one in the series. She hated reading before so this is a big step for her!


Not my first book by this author
Reviewed in the United States on July 7, 2022
Read the first book and had to get the second one the night after for my grandson and I to keep reading. We laughed and laughed and laughed. What A great story and such an imagination the author has . The almanac was priceless.

Jenny F.

Funny- kiddo loves these books
Reviewed in the United States on July 1, 2022
My child loves these books. She thinks they are so funny. They are engaging silly stories well written for elementary aged students.


My 6 year old loves these books
Reviewed in the United States on July 1, 2022
A book my 6 year old looks forward to reading. He has the whole set and loves them so far.

Susan M.

Silly, smart and a hit!
Reviewed in the United States on May 20, 2022
My almost 4 year old wanted this from the book catalogue, and I almost didnā€™t get it for him because I thought it was too old, but Iā€™m glad I did because we have read this book cover to cover three times in a week! He loves the story, which is just the right mix of silly and clever and the drawings. This is a GREAT book for a 4-6 year old to have read to them and also for an older kid to read to themselves. A must buy! Weā€™re back to get the whole series!

Grace L.
This is such a fun reads for kids!

Reviewed in the United States on April 28, 2022
I read this book my small group of two 3rd Grade boys and this read had them laughing out loud! I highly recommend this for students and kids that struggle with finding the excitement for reading. The pages are short and the pictures are so fun, while also including some bigger words that will help student grow in their reading skills.

Ralph Lazarā€™s new series is shaping up to be one of the funniest (and silliest) in recent memory.

Reviewed in the United States on 11 April, 2022
Lazar’s illustrations are the perfect companion for the wild and wacky story. One of the best aspects of this book is that there is an accompanying on-line almanac.

7yoā€™s New Favorite Series

Reviewed in the United States on March 29, 2022
My 7yo says this is his new favorite series. He loves all things ridiculous, and this series is silly. He loves easy reads like Press Start, Dogman, and 13 Storey Treehouse. Already canā€™t wait for the next one.

4th grade Readers

Reviewed in the US – March ’22

My students really enjoyed this book, and asked me to buy the whole series. Books that get my students excited to read are good books in my eyes.

Christine C.
Eagerly awaiting your 5th book
Reviewed in Canada – March ’22

I just wanted to reach out to you and thank you for your wonderful Mayhem books. My 9 year old son has ADD and struggles with school. He has read through all of your four books and is eagerly awaiting your 5th book in the series. He is disappointed that this may be the last one? He is so impressed with your books that he has created (written and illustrated) his own books using your characters. For a child who has difficulty sitting and concentrating for more than 15 min; he is able to sit and read your books for much longer and he can easily spend over an hour just writing and drawing! Thank you for inspiring him and fostering the love of reading in him.

Allea Saunders

Great read for 2nd grader
Reviewed in the United States – November ’21
My son loved this series, we have pre-ordered the next one.

Pam on Goodreads – October ’21

Dash Candoo never seems to have a day without a Total Mayhem Situation. The Monday in this book is no different. Before breakfast, he has to confront the Devil-Cat and Wrestle-Scallywags. Of course, he is victorious but then he has to rush to eat and get to school. Readers come along on the rest of the adventures with Dash and his friend, Rob as they defeat thieves intent on stealing the gym teacher’s prized trophy. Hilarity ensues as we see a typical day unfold. Short chapters and constant action will work for more reluctant readers in mid to upper elementary school.

Ryn on Goodreads – October ’21

A fun and adventurous chapter book. Great to new readers since with the Almanac of the created words at the back of the book it teaches young readers how to look up unknown words while reading. Even as an adult I was invested in the story to the point that I didn’t want to stop till I got to the end.

Cheri on Goodreads – September ’21

You will like this book if:
A) You like to laugh
B) You like adventure
C) You like fun drawings
D) You like to learn new things

This book is so funny that even your parents will like it.
I am a big fan of Dash Candoo šŸ™‚ – September ’21

So much of what makes this book great appears in the almanac, including Lazarā€™s illustrations! Itā€™s available at I recommend just going there and reading the entries on the Devil-Cat, Scallywags, the Backpack-Ladder, and the Grobsnot. Youā€™ll know if this book is for you or someone you love. (Part of the almanac is also printed at the end of the book.)

11-year-old Dash Candoo sits down for breakfast when his KB-15 alerts him to nearby danger. Outside his front door are three Wrestle-Scallywags and the two-tailed Devil Cat. They battle. Then dash heads for school and more Total Mayhem Situations. His first class: Vegetables. The lesson: learning Broccolish. The problem: Devil Cat tries to steal his teacherā€™s world famous giant carrot. And thatā€™s just the start of a day that includes so much more mayhem.

Warning: the first page of the book says if you read the book in one go youā€™ll get a treat from the nearest adult. (I think the book itself is enough of a reward, but if I was working in a school library Iā€™d keep a bowl of candy nearby.)

The second book in the series, Tuesday ā€” The Curse of the Blue Spots, is already available.

@fisherboysread – September ’21

Total Mayhem 1: šŸ„· Ash reads everyday, but for the last few months he starts a bunch of books and finishes very few. I found this Total Mayhem book on the new shelf at the library. He stayed engaged in this book & finished this morning, so you know itā€™s good. šŸ˜ The story is about Dash, an 11 year old kid. His regular breakfast is interrupted by scallywags and a devil cat. He proceeds to school where bad guys keep intruding. His school day is fantastic…he plays wobble ball in gym class, one of his teachers makes him walk pet fish, and his science teacher is famous for making perfume. Each page is illustrated and has just a few sentences, making it very unintimidating. But, it has tons of made up and unusual multisyllabic words, plus a bunch of numbers which makes it challenging reading (Reading level Q). It reminds me a bit of Mac B Kid Spy, a fun combination of action, adventure, crime & humor.

Imaginationsoup – August ’21

Wild and quirky, this un-put-downable adventure filled with illustrations is perfect for you if you like good vs. evil adventures where kid power saves the day! Dash Candooā€™s Monday is one crazy adventure after another with Devil Cat attacks, a quadcycle pursuit, a math class secret tunnel, stolen perfume, and so much more. Iā€™m a big fan of this exciting, readable new chapter book and look forward to more books in the entertaining new series. (P.S. And itā€™s funny with zero potty humor!)

Darla – Goodreads

Dash Candoo is accosted by mayhem before he even gets a chance to eat his breakfast. And it is only Monday. As he goes through his day at Swedhump Elementary, the adventure continues. Dash and his buddy Rob have to get on their quadcycles and may even need their backpack-ladders to defeat the two-tailed Devil-Cat and the Wrestle Scallyways in their tower formation. Are you a bit confused by some of these terms? No worries! There is an Almanac at the back (also available at to help decode any confusing vocabulary. Reminds me a bit of the Mac B series. Should be a week full of adventure once all the days are covered.


Lazar and Swerling have created a book that defies classification.
Reviewed in the US – 23 May ’21
Lazar and Swerling have created a book that defies classification. Itā€™s not a chapter book, but is arranged by chapters; not a novel, although there are the usual elements of a plot diagram present; canā€™t be called a graphic novel because it doesnā€™t have cartoon panels, but it is filled with sketches, drawings, cartoonish characters and possibly those illustrations outnumber the words! And what word!! Skallywags, grobsnot, devil cats, krypton-web, and a game called ā€œPaper Rock Scissors Carrot Spoon tissue Elbow.ā€ Are you intrigued, yet? Now go take a look at the website and find out more about Dash Cando and his daily adventures at school, home, and in his neighborhood as he fights the evil Devil Cats and Skallywags along with his best friend Rob. Teachers and librarians may be tempted to write this one off as simply a goofy attempt at entertaining those in the target audience of grades 2-4 (maybe 5) but read it with your kids and be sure to include the glossary in that reading. The total mayhem series will grab the attention of both kids and adults, encourage creation of characters that will fit in with the unusual world and will have all clamoring for the next installment. Thanks for the ARC, Scholastic!


FANTASTIC BOOK – Perfect for my 10 year old nephew
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
Hilarious and brilliant illustrations. Perfect for my 10 year old nephew


Buy this book!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
How lovely to read this fantastic book with my 7 year old! Such an interesting way to live this adventure with the marvellous Dash! Would highly recommend, have bought book 2 for Christmas.

Olivia F.

I need to get someone to play paper-rock-scissors-carrot-spoon-tissue-elbow with me
Reviewed on Goodreads in the United States

To be honest I didnā€™t know what to expect from this book. But I can tell you it is no regular book or graphic novel; it is SO MUCH MORE. The book was so fun and young kids will definitely enjoy it, heck Iā€™m not a kid and I enjoyed it more then I thought possible. I am a very in-depth reader and I prefer novel to graphic novel but this one had me entertained. It was so engaging. I love that there was an Almanac aka glossary. It provided so much more information on the book and the very creative terms used. I have to hand it to the author, he has quite the imagination, and I say that as a good thing. I would never have thought to include half of what he did, and it wasnā€™t just entertaining but actually funny.

I also have to say I need to get someone to play paper-rock-scissors-carrot-spoon-tissue-elbow with me, if I can get the rules down first. I also never say this especially with short books like this, but I would definitely re-read this book. It still blows my mind how creative this author is. He and his wife did an amazing job and Dash had one jam packed Monday. Canā€™t wait to see what he gets into on Tuesday.


Reviewed in the United Kingdom
I love this book!! There is always something to discover on every read with children of different ages too. Very much recommend it.

A. K.

They have totally changed his life
Reviewed in the United States
My son is LOVING the Dash Candoo books — they have totally changed his life. He is suddenly super excited to read now — each night he requests reading time, and he brings them to school to show his teacher. We canā€™t thank you enough!

Shelley P.

I love everything about this book
Reviewed in the United States

I received a copy of this book in a Goodreads giveaway, but that has no bearing on my review.

I love everything about this book. Dash is a wonderful hero that I can see kids becoming themselves in their minds. It will help them take everyday life and find adventure in it. The Cave of Thieves takes place mostly at school. The teachers are great characters. I also love the villain, Devil-Cat.

The illustrations are like they came right out of a child’s mind. This is probably hard for an adult to do. I especially love Devil-Cat.

I like the fact that there is a mix of easy words, a little more difficult ones and some super entertaining harder words like scallywags, triplo-triplocopter. and grobsnot. Don’t worry. There is an almanac at the end of the book with definitions. I think this is a nice mix for several ages to enjoy. Younger kids can have fun asking an adult about the big words.

Now that I’ve read this book it is going straight to my grandkids. They will love it! I will be getting more Dash books for them.

Amelia S.

Wonderfully entertaining
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
What a wonderful book, stepping straight into a child’s imagination and using language and a tale that immediately appeal to a child, and of course to us adults too! Superb illustrations, we really loved it!

V.P. (7 years old)

Reviewed in the United Kingdom
I love the characters and illustrations. My favourite bit was when the wrestle scallywags fell into the quicksand.

Aileen C.

Reviewed in the United States
3 kids from just-turned 6 to 12 blasted through this book and loved its adventures, characters, and funny inventions. They can’t wait for the next one.

David J.

They keep getting better!
Reviewed in the United States
So delighted to find another Dash Candoo book has been published! Our son (aged 10) devours Dash Candoo books and I’ve also taken to reading them to our almost 7 year old. They’re in that rare category – great for kids and a refreshing joy to read aloud as adults! Can’t recommend this series enough, and hoping there are more to come!


So engaging for my son
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
My son continues to love these books. His only complaint is that he wants more! Itā€™s the only, Book that he reads cover to cover by himself, and wonā€™t stop!

Marta M.

My son loves the books!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
My son is 10 and each time asks… ā€œis there a new one out yet?ā€ Awesome books!

Stacey H.

Crazy fun
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
Great book, really liked it and the kids thought it was great! Full of fun and kept them involved and interested.

David H.

Our 4-year-old loved it
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
We read the first chapter. Charlie (aged 4) wanted to hear it again. We read it through bit by bit every evening. He found it so enjoyable. Once we’d finished, he wanted the whole thing.

Rosie B.

Dash is the best!!! Please make them faster!!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
We love the Dash books. They are silly and brilliant and hilarious. We love the gadgets and the action and the devil cat. Weā€™re looking forward to Friday and hope a second week at school with Dash is coming soon!


Fun-filled pictures and storyline. Read it!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
“It’s great! I’d like the next one” my 7yr old said. (After telling me he’s read it twice). His favourite was the baddie.. ‘devil cat’ who he found very funny.
Love the illustrations and sense of fun- a thoroughly enjoyable and different book.
Off to get the next one now šŸ™‚

Just Saying

A cool adventure with some fun twists and turns
Reviewed in the United States
I enjoyed the adventures of Dash and the pace the books set. The world of Dash Cadoo is fun and kept me amused and entertained. Definitely interested in what the rest of his week looks like after Monday.


Brilliantly Bonkers
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
The familiar but fantastical world created here is really great fun. Loved the bizarre contraptions and characters. The almanac is a nice touch for nerd appeal! Dash is immediately likeable.


The index was really fun and helpful
Reviewed in the United States
Over all I really like the book, I like how itā€™s pictures and paragraphs. Also the index was really funny and helpful, I liked the characters and how they were ā€œDesigned.ā€ And all the things, like the sports and the inventions.


Dash Can Do No Wrong!
Reviewed in the United States
My 9 3/4 yr old twin boys, who are big fans of the better-known series like “Diary of A Wimpy Kid” and the “Dog Man”, both really loved this book. The Triplocopters and the Triplo-Triplocopters, the invention of the Saw-toothed Doublodlies, and the World’s Largest Carrot cracked them both up. The surprise ending took them both by surprise! Really looking forward to collecting the others in the series!

M.O. (schoolteacher)
I love it!
Reviewed in Australia
Things I love:
[1] The annotations on your images as they add lots of humour to the book and make it visually interesting for a young person.
[2] The slightly anti-establishment tone that will definitely appeal to young children and maintain their interest in this character.
[3] The way it stretches their spelling and vocabulary with unconventional words and their learning by adding in the morse code and some mathematics.
[4] The non-specific cross cultural characters and names. It makes the reader able to see themselves in this story.
[5] The way the book can be read and held by the reader while another person checks the almanac online. This makes it a great book for children and parents to share at the same time. It is also really clever in the way you have written the almanac to be read at the same time and compliment the story with an aside injection of humour.


So rare to find a new fresh voice
Reviewed in the United States
At last! A new book for kids that doesn’t feel like it’s just trying to emulate the few that have been successful. My kid absolutely loves Dash Candoo and has read each book multiple times in recent weeks. Just hoping there are many more to come.


When are we getting more?
Reviewed in the United States
My 10 year old has devoured the first three! And keeps harassing me for more. The best thing about these Dash Candoo books is that like all great kids fiction, it works on multiple levels and is a fun read for parents too.


Totally Brilliant and laugh out loud book!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
My kids couldn’t get enough of this book so we were very happy to hear there were more in the series.
So funny and clever and the illustrations are just fab. Always great to find something they enjoy where there are more books to follow…so bring on more Dash Candoo!


We LOVE Dash!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
We were so excited to get Book 2 after loving Book 1 so much. Total craziness and fun and brilliant illustrations. More Please!!!!!


Best belly laugh and reading fun!!!
Reviewed in the United States
This is honestly one of the best childrenā€™s books weā€™ve read together! It is so creative and gets the imagination wheels turning with all of Dashā€™s gadgets and gizmos! The storyline and illustrations are hilarious and had us in tears! It is such a great book Iā€™m going to buy several to have on hand for upcoming birthday presents for friends! Weā€™ve ordered Tuesday and Wednesdayā€™s books to continue the fun! Awesome!

Mrs. D.

A hit for all the family
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
I loved this book – I read it to the kids that I babysit for and it was a hit! All the wit and fun of Haroldā€™s planet in a longer story complete with beautiful illustrations! The perfect gift that keeps giving (excited for the sequels!)

Veronica B.

Can’t put it down
Reviewed in the United States
This book was very enjoyable for our 6 year old and us to read. Our 6 year old couldn’t put it down and asked to read it during breaks between school zoom sessions. It’s silly and wonderful!


Reviewed in the United Kingdom
Eclectic but hilariously awesome. Canā€™t wait for more!!


A great book
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
I thought this was a great book but it is for younger people to read, like an age rating of 6+. I read it twice and it only took me around 30 minutes each time. It was very imaginative and humorous and I think the author should continue with the same storyline. My favourite character was Dash and my favourite bit was when Dash ran like a crazy person because it reminds me of myself . But I think it was very short. I thought they could have done more with the storyline and that the book could be a bit more descriptive and explain more about what is happening. Jonah age 9

Maribeth Davies

We love Dash
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
Another funny adventure that has silly words, and great pictures, I especially like the made up words. My brother and I really enjoy these books, please write more. Love Sebry (7), Thor (5) and mummy X

Mrs. M

Great book for young readers
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
Received a complimentary copy of this book in order to review which I passed to a friend’s 7 year old who loved it. He said it was funny, cool and loved the drawings. At 200 pages, took 2 days to get through, but managed fine as story was easy to read and understand and illustrations were fun. I have received several ‘Dash Candoo’ drawings including Devil Cats and an offer to act out the story when next I visit, with digging of tunnels weather permitting. Christmas presents sorted.


I love this book soooooo much!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
My daddy got this book for me and I read it in one go on the day it arrived.
What I really liked was when Dash was facing 81,012 moves from the Wrestle Scallywag’s and was also facing a Two-Tailed Devil Cat. That’s just the start of the day and things get much much worse at school.
I can’t wait to read the next book in the series.
From EDIE and I’m 7.

Maribeth Davies

Totally awesome and ridiculous 5*
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
We are on the third Dash Candoo book, it has us all in fits of laughter. My son is keen to have a designated book shelf just for his Dash Candoo book collection!


The perfect starter chapter book for my 6 yo
Reviewed in the United States
Within the first few pages of this book, my 6 yo daughter was keeled over with laughter. This was the perfect starter chapter book for her. She loved the story and the characters and at the end, was eager for what happens on Tuesday – book 2? As a parent, I loved the fact that the book had a glossary of terms, “Almanac”, that my daughter was more than happy to go back and forth to look up the meaning of words. This is a great book with a fun and imaginative story that my 6 yo could relate to and enjoy.


So detailed, keeps my kids amused for hours
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
My kids are absolutely OBSESSED with this series. Literally jumping up and down when this one arrived. They love all the details, plus the almanac and mazes at the end are such a bonus.

Elijah 7 yrs 9 m

I would pay Ā£9000 to read this book
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
It was as funny as the time when I nearly fell down the toilet

Nicky T.

Awesome – the one word my daughter says describes this book
Reviewed in the United States
My son literally checked amazon daily to know when the third of this series was coming out. Both kids find it hilarious. More of the same please!


Love love love
Reviewed in the United States
Verified Purchase
I loved that like thereā€™s a new scaly wag in every book – wish it would keep a sport.

Elijah 7 years 9 months.

My son remains glued to the sofa reading every time the next one arrives!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
Book 3 going down VERY well too!

Charlie R.
My 8 year old self would have thoroughly enjoyed this book
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
I am a 12 year old boy and I was given this book to review. I think I fall into the wrong age category for this book, and think it would be better suited for anyone between 7-9 years of age. I really enjoyed parts like the banana shaped science lab, the cool underground tunnels and the cat named Dog. They all made me laugh. I found the banana shaped science lab so out of context and random and I really liked the idea of having underground tunnels leading home from my English and Maths class! My 8 year old self would have thoroughly enjoyed this book and would have been read time and time again. It reminded me a bit of the 13 Storey Treehouse Series which was a firm favourite of mine when i was in Year 3 (3rd Grade).

Nicole R.

Hilarious, smart and beautifully creative! Kids LOVE Dash Candoo!
Reviewed in the United States
Dash Candoo has become our familyā€™s latest obsession! Kids canā€™t wait for more books to come out! Theyā€™re hilarious, smart and beautifully creative. Even our 12 year old loves them šŸ™‚


Great book!!!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
I really enjoyed this book. I liked the characters in the story – my favourite was the Devil Cat. The pictures were great and added to the story. Thank you for writing it! Isla xx (Age 10)

This book is fun and it made me laugh so hard. I would recommend this to anyone. It was amazing because I love adventure books and mysteries. The science teacher is my favourite because she is so laid back but she is also really fun. I canā€™t wait to read the rest of the stories. Sophie (Age 12)


Reviewed in the United Kingdom
My 8 year old said this was an awesome book. She loved the drawings and the characters. It was unputdownable!


Cave of thieves – couldn’t put it down
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
Wow my 7 year old grandson LOVED your book. He wanted to read it himself the first two times and read it all the way through both times, only then was I allowed to read it to him! He loved the characters and the adventures and the great drawings. I will have to get him the other two books. He read it every night for the week he stayed with me and many mornings too. I obviously had to give it to him to take home. I loved the drawings and the crazy names for the characters, also the page designs… all so pleasingly different. A great success! Thank you.


Get the whole series!
Reviewed in the United States
My 4 year old loved the first one so much we immediately got the second! I can definitely see us getting and enjoying the whole Dash Candoo series!


Fantastic book
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
My 6 year old sat down and read this all in one morning, and then started it again that afternoon! Absolutely loved it, kept laughing along. Brilliant! Weā€™re ordering the next one now.

Ali B.

Great fun!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
My nephew loved this book! (I really liked the matt cover..and the storyline!). He read it in the space of a few days, and has already passed it on to a friend who he thinks will also love it! Some fairly advanced text in a really accessible format, lots of pictures – and a glossary for the Dash Words!

S. B.

Fantastic hilarious read for the whole family
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
Absolutely hilarious and well thought out book for 5 plus. Illustrations are so fitting to the story and add to the crazy adventures of Dash. My boys loved it and couldn’t wait to read what Dash gets up to in the next chapter and are trying to work out how they can can dig tunnels from their room. I will certainly be getting the next book.

Nina R.

Fun, creative and wacky story
Reviewed in the United States
This book was so much fun to read! We immediately got the second one! The names are hilarious and the imaginative story is amazing. Highly recommend for kids 3-10!


More Dash Candoo, please!
Reviewed in the United States
I thought this book was funny and unique! I am eleven and I guess it is for kids a bit younger than me but I still loved it. It was kind of action/spy/adventure, Iā€™ve read the first two books and if there are more, I will read them!


Must add to your library collection
Reviewed in the United States
Thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was fast paced, very entertaining, and artwork & storyline was very creative.

Karen B.

Great graphic novel for kids
Reviewed in the United States
My seven year old who loves Captain Underpants really enjoyed this book! He flew through it, and laughed aloud – the humor really kept him connected to the story. Great story for young readers looking to bridge the gap between graphic novels and chapter books. Can’t wait for the next one.

Mary T.S.

Great Kids’ Story
Reviewed in the United States
I didn’t read it so I am transcribing what my kids say:
F: It is five star, very nice, pretty sweet. I like it. I like how it’s a tint of funny-ness. I like how he was in his pajamas when a full-mayhem situation started. It was funny. It relates to when I don’t like having some kind of thing like that in the morning, too.
B: I would say the same thing. This book is a nice book and it has a bunch of this weird stuff like a world-famous carrot. A famous carrot! It’s funny because they have a bullet-proof glass! And dynamite-proof glass! There’s no way to make that. The illustrations are really good and really weird because someone’s hair falls off and goes on someone else.
F: Dude, it’s a wig!
B: Oh. And they have bikes that have 4 wheels instead of 2–the opposite of 2.
F: The opposite of 2? The opposite of 2 is 200.
B: I guess not.
Well, I hope this exchange encourages you to buy the book.


Absolutely brilliant!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
Loved the book – read together with a 13 year old English as second language boy and he was completely engrossed in the story and illustrations. The text and fonts made the book even more capturing for him. Brilliant book and I absolutely loved it as much as he did. Read this book and your imagination will be running wild!


Enticed a 9 year old boy to read over gaming…
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
Been a fan/ subscribed to ā€˜Last Lemonā€™ for years so when I got the email offering a review copy of course I said yes!
Delighted to say my 9 year old son inhaled it overnight and Iā€™ve just ordered book 2. He says the imagination is amazing – ā€˜I mean a two tailed devil cat – come on!ā€™. Of huge relief – just forced him to read 3 recommended reading books from school…thought Iā€™d damaged his interest in reading but Dash has restored! Well played Ralph – thank you!


Good adventure read
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
A review from my niece:
‘This is a story about Dash and Rob who are best friends. At breakfast time Dash goes downstairs, eats his breakfast and his KB15 starts flashing red.
He goes outside and sees three Wrestle Scallywags. He fights them before going to school…that is the start of the adventure.
Dash Candoo is a brave character in this exciting story of mischief and adventure. Funny at times; when paper airplanes are shaped like bananas and Devil Cats are terrified of watermelons.
Book 1 ends when the Mr Remington Hobbs (inventor of wobble ball) wants to get his trophy back, but first be must find a way to melt bullet proof glass and get through dynamite proof concrete.
He needs one more ingredient…orange juice! Dash and Rob thwart his plans with a Kryptoweb, making them heroes. This story is exciting from beginning to end.
I am 6 and loved this story. I would recommend this book to all those looking for a good adventure to read.’

Adam C.

Great illustrations and lovely large font size. Perfect for young readers.
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
Just received this. Much more substantial than expected. Loads of great illustrations and nice big font. Looking forward to reading through this alongside my 6 year old daughter.


Quirky and fun
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
My 7 year old daughter and I are about half way through this book. When asked what she thought about it, she said she liked that it was different – the fact that it is a chapter book but the chapters are manageable for her because of the font size and illustrations (not overwhelming like many chapter books). We have been reading it together because there are some tricky words but the majority can be read independently. My daughter is finding it entertaining and different to other books she has read.


Appeals to all ages…laugh out loud!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
What a hoot! Iā€™m a 54 year old female and I loved it. Canā€™t wait to pass on to various children I know. Quirky sense of humour wth laugh out loud moments. Charming.

Elijah 7 years 9 months.

It’s really funny!
Reviewed in the United States
You see I just lay on my bed reading every line in 2 seconds and I didn’t stop until I finished. My favourite bit was when Dash threw the watermelon into the two tailed devil cat’s mouth!!


Fun for any age
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
I smiled all the way through from page 1 to the end and had to read it in one sitting. Look forward to reading the rest of the week!


Great book, would highly recommend!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
My 5 year old daughter and I are half way through this book and we are both hooked! It’s funny, imaginative, crazy, hilarious, and written in such a way that it you just want to read *one more page*. We have shared the reading so far – the actual lay out of the book and illustrations really lends itself to divvying up the paragraphs – and it has been great for pushing my daughter’s reading ability. The pages are really appealing and, although it’s a 200 page book, she hasn’t found it daunting. There’s lots of little funny details that she’s enjoys spotting along the way too. I’m certain we’ll be buying more of these books as they’re published and it will be a series we will return to time and time again!
My one question is, why are devil cats terrified of watermelons?!

Silvia N.

Entertaining, great drawings and very funny!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
Our 8 yrs old girls loved the book and read it to each other in one go. I heard them laugh aloud. Now to my daughter to continue the review:
Hello, what I liked about the book is that it was a mystery book and my favourite character is Dash Candoo because he is clever and cunning. My sister loved the Almanac at the end, it was both entertaining and funny. We both loved the drawings and we think the age is 5-9 yrs old.
We just ordered the second book, we can’t wait to read it! šŸ™‚

Andrew W.

Adventures, great and exciting!
Reviewed in the United States
A little short but good detail and very creative!
The above rating, review and headline was written by my 9-year old who devoured this book. I had hoped to read it with him, but this was one he read in just a few hours after it arrived. Note: my child reads a lot, and it is not uncommon for him to finish a book the day or the day after it arrives. As he told me, “I couldn’t stop reading it because it was as if I was in the book, not reading it, but in it.”
From flipping through, I think this will appeal to fans of Dog Man, Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Mac B. Spy Kid, and the like. Double thumbs up!

Sarah G.

Hilarity for 5 to 8 year olds!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
We received a complimentary copy of this book in order to review.
It is the first grown up style, chapter book we have read to our 5 year old son and I can say he thoroughly enjoyed it, he found it extremely funny and loved the characters, particularly the Devil cat! Some of the abbreviations went over his head but it in no way affected his enjoyment and when we finished it he asked if we could get the next one. It is an ideal story for 5 to 8 year olds and we will certainly purchase more books in this series.


Kept my 5 year old engaged during story time
Reviewed in the United States
We read this book during circle time and my 5-year-old son was engaged the whole time. He enjoyed looking up words and special moves at the back of the book as well. He even tried some of the moves the character explained by jumping off the furniture and bouncing off the wall as part of a move. It also made my 2 year old interested in seeing what was going on. I highly recommend this book because the story is fun to read, grabs, and keeps their attention as they wait to see what coming next.

Emily C.

My 7 year old daughter calls this book ‘perfect’
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
My 7 year old daughter loves this book. She took about half an hour to read it cover-to-cover. She was completely absorbed by & delighted with it! She especially liked ‘how adventurous it was’ – she says she loved the plot – & is eagerly awaiting the sequel. When I asked if there was anything she didn’t like about it, she said, ‘no, it was perfect!ā€™


Watch out for the Scallywags!! – A fun read with great characters.
Reviewed in the United States
Old and young will enjoy the adventures of Dash, but especially the 6 -10 yr olds . What a Monday he had in this fun and amusingly illustrated read – The Cave of Thieves.
A great story which will make you laugh as well as feed your imagination.

Very entertaining and we love the Almanac at the back of the book which tells you more about some of the wonderful things Dash and his friend Rob come across on their adventures and use to combat the baddies. This part of the book, gives the reader a chance to think, or discuss with another, what certain words or phrases may mean, before looking it up at the back of the book – we especially enjoyed this interaction. We are now wondering what ingredients would be in our version of the Wombat Juice, as not sure we are too keen on some of the ones Dash swigs!
A delightful book which is easily devoured in one sitting for the adventure seekers; and good bite sized chunks for those that wish to take their time. Complete with puzzles, this book is one that you will read over and over again!

Emma B.

Crazy fun!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
Very funny in a crazy, weird way. My 9 year old loved it, and both him and his 12 year old brother laughed hard at the charactersā€™ names. To me, this book is written similar to how dreams work, so totally, wonderfully illogical, crazy and full of weirdness! Great fun! And if we ever get a cat we will name it Dog for sure!


Both of my kids really enjoyed this book!
Reviewed in the United States
My 8 year old and 5 year old both loved this book and wanted to read the entire book the first day we got it! It was a funny story and the details of the characters and events really made it come to life. My kids both asked to read the next book in the series because they liked it so much.


Funny, creative and good summer reading
Reviewed in the United States
My almost 8 year old boy loved this book and laughed out loud!


Our first chapter book
Reviewed in the United States
This book is a bit advanced for my 4 year old but he was over the moon to get his first “big kid chapter book”. We both love the way the book is laid out for fun, and the almanac is a fantastic way to introduce the concept of looking up words we don’t know. I feel this series will grow with us and be a classic in our home!


Creative and wonderfully FUN!
Reviewed in the United States
So creative!!!! Super funny and the most interesting, unique drawings… My Nephews will love this! Iā€™m sending it to them in Canada!

Sarah A.

Fun read
Reviewed in the United States
My 6 year old found the book very exciting and gave it two thumbs up.


My 3 and half and 6 year old LOVE this story and characters!
Reviewed in the United States
6 year old favorite part: When Devil cat steals the Egyptian Blue.
3.5 year old favorite part: when the drone sees the Devil cat steal.

Both children sat and listened and laughed out loud to the entire book, 2 days in a row, and keep asking for more! They have incorporated the characters and ideas into their imaginative play, shouting about “scallywags” and “stink balls”. We definitely be return readers of the entire series!

Nate B.

Dash makes reading fun!
Reviewed in the United States
My granddaughter is 7 1/2 & will be starting 2nd grade. We read all about Dash, his friends, his enemies and loved it! The drawings were funny and charming, and led to a discussion about what contraptions we would invent to save the day. That twoā€“tailed devil cat is evil but we love that evil cat! We canā€™t wait to read the rest of the books! (Truth be told I, the 56-year-old grandma, read it through twice because I couldnā€™t wait for my granddaughter. This book is just that much fun!)
*I did receive a copy free for review.


Illustrations were great – it was very funny!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
13 year old daughter loved it but wished it was longer, maybe we just need to buy the next book!

G A Marriott

Fun tale but a bit advanced for a 5 year old
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
Got this for my 5 year old grandson, think he might be a little too young, his current story books are full of colour & think he will enjoy it more when he is more able to read some if it himself. Fun tales though.

Lucy C.

Great series for 7 plus year olds.
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
This book went down very well with our 8 year old. He read it in one go and would like the next book in the series. Love the characters and story, brilliant.


Great book
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
My daughter really enjoyed reading this book. It was a little below her reading level but she thoroughly enjoyed it all the same. She said she found it hilarious, loved the characters and the story line – especially the devil cat! We would say this book would be ideal for ages 6-9 years. Lovely illustrations and large print. Good to share and easily read in one go.

Miles C.

Couldnā€™t put it down!
Reviewed in the United States
My 5 year old niece begged for me to read the whole book in one sitting then start it over again. She laughed and smiled all the way through it. She particularly liked looking up the new words in the almanac. Highly recommend!


Totally captured the imagination of my 4 year old son
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
We’ve had this book 3 days and read it 3 times already.
My four year old has been creating his own KB-15 alarms throughout the day.
We’ve ordered the next one.
Love the illustrations.

Maribeth D.

Couldnā€™t put it down, fun and crazy nonsense 5*
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
We loved this book… my son is age 5, daughter age 7, even I loved it and Iā€™m getting bored of reading kids stories. Quick and fun to read, have ordered book #2 already.


Pinky promise
Reviewed in the United States
I pinky promised to review the book With out giving the plot away,I should say young and old would enjoyit.
Dash Candoo was recommended to me by my niece.We started our journey at that lead Us to that lead us to the book. We begin on Monday ( like title implies ) we are wearing pajamas but not for a breakfast… Illustration on every page with a large font makes an nengaging way to present the story to young reader. Staff like Wombat Juice,Hammophote Tree etc. ., make them giggles . And everybody whatā€™s to learn how to play paper-rock-scissors-carrot-spoon-tissue-elbow.Buttom line you should get this book.
P.S.not recommended to people allergic to silliness .

Jenny B.

Wow, what an amazing book
Reviewed in the United States
Our son is 5.5 years old and he absolutely loved it. He laughed out loud and could not stop. Mom gives him a book every days for when he’s stuck at home with me working from home. He loved it so much and was on chapter 7 before I was even done with breakfast. He’s a little more advanced in reading for his age and he’s between picture books and chapter books. I think this is the perfect hybrid of those 2 things. It has illustrations on each page, but more than 1 or 2 sentences on each page, so he’s able to read, but not be overwhelmed.

The book is very beautifully drawn, very cutely written, and just full of personality. I feel like Dash and Rob think *exactly* like my son. =)

Buying Tuesday nowā€¦

Nicky Tarrow

Great read for laughs and whirlwind adventure
Reviewed in the United States
Hilarious, antics and adventures that are an easy read full of ridiculous tidbits. In the vein of Dog Man, this series is a must read.

S Rudnick

Such great illustrations!
Reviewed in the United States
Gave this to my almost four-year-old grandson, who absolutely loved it.
Great for readers and those who are read to.

5.0 out of 5 stars
The cave of thieves
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
Levi, Violet and Gabriel Wogman
This is a fantastic book for ages 7-9 year olds and both girls and boys will enjoy reading this book Iā€™m very excited to read the next one

Rebecca R.

Highly appealing to small boys!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
My son devoured this in a day which- considering he is not an avid reader and likes gaming a lot- is really impressive! He thought it was very funny and enjoyed the format of the book. He is 10- I would say it is probably aimed at a slightly younger age group- maybe 7-9… but nonetheless it was a big hit and heā€™d likely read the next one too. Frankly any book which makes him want to read to himself gets a big thumbs up from me!


Cuteness Overload
Reviewed in the United States
We loved it! A page turner for the whole family.


My son loved it!
Reviewed in the United States
This arrived today as a gift for my 8yo son as a surprise – he also had a brand new Lego set he was about to get started on and decided to just ‘read a few pages’ and low and behold, 45min. later, he was still reading and finished the book! He says “I loved it! It was funny, and action filled!” He can’t wait to get to read #2.


Great book, fresh and funny
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
This is a different book with lots of funky illustrations and a lovely bunch of charming characters set on hilarious adventures. Can’t wait to get the second one!


Really funny and kids love it
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
Really funny book with interesting story, it has very nice illustrations, and the kid (9 years old) loved it.

Tessa L.

Fun Read
Reviewed in the United States
I read this with my 6 year old daughter and she absolutely loved it! Such fun adventures. I don’t know how many evening, after reading a chapter together, that I’d go to check on her and find that she was still engrossed with the book. I did have to help her with words like “scallywags,” but those prompted some funny conversations.

Jacqueline A.N.

Funny illustrations!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
The character Dash Candoo is 11 years old but I would say this book is suitable for ages 7 and up. There are over 200 pages but the font size and amount of illustrations means the story can be read relatively quickly and independently without feeling the book is too long. The almanac at the end is a good feature and I can see the pupils in my class wanting to re-read the book for this feature alone. The illustrations are funny and grumpy and easy enough for children to try and imitate. Is it wrong that I would like to have my own Devil Cat?


Fast moving, fun story for younger kids
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
Both my 9 and 11 year old girls read this. Both thought it was a bit easy for them, but the older one thought that it was really good. She felt that the story was very fast moving and there was a lot going on all the time. Well worth a read for younger kids.

Rob N.

Brilliant imagination, captured us all!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
Totally hilarious book, fresh and different, went down extremely well in our household. Have already bought the next in the series – keep them coming!


Cute and fun
Reviewed in the United States
This was a super cute and fun little book. I enjoyed reading it with my 10 year old nephew.


My son DEVOURED this book
Reviewed in the United States
We recently ordered a dozen books for our 8 year old summer reading and The Cave of Thieves was the one he chose to read first. He went into the bathtub and by the time he came out he had finished the book and was asking for more “did you get me the next one?… Luckily we had ordered other books but will def be looking out for this series. Please keep them coming FAST!!!


This book was awesome!
Reviewed in the United States
I liked this book because of all the action and creativity that was throughout, and also that it was very funny.

Heidi B.C.

Reviewed in the United Kingdom
If you get it = LOOK closely at HOW much detail is in your hands. IT — is *AWESOME!!

DASH Candoo is *GREAT* it IS geared toward kids, but I love it as an adult kid!
*fabulous* characters – great, fun story for all!

I highly recommend getting a hard copy as it is great to HOLD and be able to flip back to the *Awesome* almanac in the back for easy reference! *FUN* funny, wonderful .. no! Funderful!!! really great for ALL!

My husband and I are great fans/followers of these creators/artists who do quite a few other *Beloved* characters/comics as well. DASH CANDOO is yet another *wonderful* gift into the minds of readers wanting some great adventure!!

Looking forward to getting BOOK 2!! Thanks so much for bringing us such wonderful characters!!


“Awesome crazy funny book” DJ age 9.
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
I ordered this as a treat for my son for doing lots of reading in the summer reading challenge (he loves Wimpy Kid, Tom Gates, 13 storey treehouse etc).
He loved this book and read it in one sitting and wants to read it again tomorrow to his little sister so they can laugh at the crazy bits together.
He loves that it is a detective story with ninjas, secret tunnels, gadgets, crazy buildings, and an evil cat.

Oren K.

Great read
Reviewed in the United Kingdom
My son loved this book. He couldnā€™t put it down (our competed Fortnight). We canā€™t wait for the next one.