New Almanac Entries

New Almanac entries

Highly social, brilliant and occasionally annoying game. First recorded occurrence of it was in ancient Hipposwotania in 467 BC. The game has been refined over generations and the rules are now codified in the Pauselopedia, which as you know, was written by Mr. Rrr-Tökk-Tökk.

Basic rules as follows:

RULE 1: When someone shouts “Pause!”, everyone in the room has to freeze completely still, including the person who shouted “Pause!”

RULE 2: You can only move again when the shouter shouts “Play!”

RULE 3: The shouter needs to hold their breath between shouting “Pause!” and “Play!”

RULE 4: If the shouter breathes before they say “Play!”, the “Pause!” is broken and everyone can move again.

RULE 5: Each person is only allowed to shout “Pause!” once per day, and they can do it whenever they want.

Written by Zephaniah Rrr-Tökk-Tökk, this fine tome covers everything there is to know about the Pause game. Large sections on rules, history, national variants, famous competitions, legendary winners and notorious cheats.

The first edition was published in 1995. New editions are published annually. There were only 100 copies of the first edition, which these days are highly sought-after and therefore VERY expensive. At a recent auction in Stefannesburg, one of them sold for 33 million dollars.